Monday, October 7, 2013

Up down, Up down, Up down...

We spend lots of time going up steps and down in this old section of Girona.  We keep accidentally finding new ways to go because the walls are so high. It's all quite charming however, so we don't mind.  Saturday is a day of open air markets here.  We wandered through quite a few of them, just looking at what people shop for here.  The produce, cheeses and spices are so bountiful.  In between we've managed to take in some wonderful museums and have learned a lot about the history of this part of the world. Jocelyn leaves today for Germany where she will be working the largest book fair in the world and Stan and I will spend a little more time here, trying to stay away from the chocolate croissants and walking, walking, walking those steps.  174 to our apartment!!!

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